Saturday, May 7, 2016

Sky cutter / Sky sloop Ver. 0.9


as promised yesterday, I took some new photos of my (still W.i.P.) sky cutter / sky sloop;)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Skycutter / sky sloop W.i.P.


Today I want to show you a small project I'm curently working on, it's a conversion of skycutter (or sky sloop in terms of 9th Age). I always wanted to use the dark eldar model for that purpose and recently I managed to get it cheap on Ebay.
As the title says, it is still a WIP, some elements are still missing, but you can see the overal direction where it goes;)

Please have a look;)

EDIT: 05.06.2016

I just painted the sails, made a quick photo with my phone, the better shoots are coming tomorrow:

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Swordmaster keep coming:) #2 and #3


I painted recently another 2 Swordmasters. I must admit it really makes fun to paint this guys, love those models.

This is how I started working with them, the base colors applied with airbrush saved me a lot of time:

And after some hours;p 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

1st test Swordmaster

Good evening!

Sadly, warhammer as we all know is already gone, but with the 9th Age project my hope to play again with my high elves made me to think about new rosters and tactics.
Swordmasters seem to be really powerful option right now and I love it, they have always been my favourite unit and the first painted unit ever!:D
As you can imagine, the first-ever-painted minis never look good, so my old swordies don't match the painting quality, style and scheme with my army now.

As a short break from my mounted BSB project, I airbrushed yesterday evening the squad of 10 swordmasters and today I painted the 1st model, keeping my overall army color scheme, but with some different tones.

Please have a look;)

Thursday, February 18, 2016

WIP #1: mounted battle standard bearer

Good evening!

I've made some progress with my mounted BSB, I finished the base and the steed.
As a next step I'm going to paint the rider, however I want to paint some test models to my army also, so who knows when the next update comes:D

Please have a look:)

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Mounted Battle Standard Bearer WiP


Today I want to present you my new project, the mounted BSB for my High Elf army.
At first only the conversion itself, I will proceed with painting later today.
What do you think?