Saturday, November 21, 2020

Power Fist Catachan Sergeant

As a small break of painting my Grey Knights, I decided to convert and paint an catachan tempestor with power fist. I like a lot using him in my Kill Team games, so here you have:)

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Grand Master Voldus [Grey Knights]

 We Are the Hammer!

Grand Master Voldus, new Warlord of my Grey Knights army. I'm happy how he turned out.

#greyknights #greyknight #voldus #grandmaster

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Grey knights Terminators

 New reinforcements arrived! I've finished yesterday this quick project, oldschool metal termis, which I really like. More and more of my grey knights are already done and ready for battle.

I'm happy that I managed to paint them very quickly, as I don't like painting many models at the same time.

What do you thing about them?