Saturday, March 7, 2020

Grey Knights!

Hello there!

Attention please! Galharen goes to the Warhammer 40000 Universum!
I started some time ago playing Kill Team with my Grey knights and I really liked the game so I decided to try, after many years of playing fantasy, the Warhammer 40000.
Expanding my kill team band with some additional models I got pretty quickly almost an 1000p army, mainly by buying oldschool metal grey knights from my friends.
Today I want to show you some of my finished models from my KT band


  1. Love what you did for the NMM Swords. Brush or airbrush? Constantly trying to improve my own painting - fell in love with the blade effects you did... Definitely GD standard. Props!

    1. Thank you! The blades are done with the brush, the hammer and its effect is done with airbrush:)
